Monday, February 11, 2008

Illustrator wanted!

Knocking One
I'm writing a new series of books for younger children, targetted at the junior primary school level, titled Twevven's Little Life Books.
The title character is not human, but certainly has a range of human characteristics displayed in a variety of situations.
The series requires illustrations, and would be an interesting and entertaining project for an illustrator.
The opportunity is 'shared risk/shared reward' - the illustrator would receive 50% of royalties earned, in exchange for preparing a number of examples to demonstrate the concept to potential publishers and others.
Knocking Two
A number of my works could be enhanced by the inclusion of illustrations - have a look at them at Imaginal Works.
The opportunity again is 'shared risk/shared reward' - the illustrator would receive 50% of royalties earned from Internet or regular publication sales.
If you might be such a person, and would like to begin a discussion, please email me on

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